Friday, January 6, 2012

Resolutions and the New Year

I've always been a pretty enthusiastic New Year's resolution type. I've always picked at least one big one and a handful of smaller ones. But as I spent time pondering the idea of resolving to be a better person simply because the calendar is turning over, I realized: this year, I really don't want to make "resolutions", I want to make changes.

I promise not to spend this entire post being completely overwhelmingly cheesy.

But it's a thought, right? That so much of the time, we're so busy thinking of what we'd like to change, we don't actually bother to change.

I think I'll stick with monthly goals instead. As for January, my goal is to: organize five areas of life.

Well there's some room for interpretation, as you might rightly be thinking right now. But I've already accomplished one of my goals. In full. Can you say that for your resolution?

I organized the kitchen counter and a couple of cabinets. It's nothing gorgeous, it's utilitarian, non-decorated, and useful for our family space. But it works all of a sudden. I'm not overwhelmed with clutter when I try to cook. I have place for things. And we managed to sort through things we don't need anymore. We've also resolved to put extra dishes that we don't need in storage. It's nice to have them in case something breaks (especially pyrex, I love pyrex), but we don't need them all in the cabinets.

And I felt so accomplished. I've never felt that way about a resolution. But a itty-bitty, tiny goal.... yes, that I've got the capability to manage.

Images found here, and here

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